Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tamalanche Update

Since Tam linked to me in one of her posts my Sitemeter jumped significantly. In the 24 hours following the link I received a 4400% increase in hits. In those 24 hours I received 528 hits.

Thanks Tam!


Tam said...

Y'know who I feel sorry for? Glenn Reynolds.

I mean, who can he get excited about a link from?

MedicMatthew said...

Um, please forgive my squirrelly ignorance, but who is Glenn Reynolds?

Tam said...

He's Instapundit.

A link from him isn't quite like getting Slashdotted, but I've had a 9,000 hit day from an Instalanche before. It makes it look like your Sitemeter is broken, spitting out hits in 200 and 300 hit chunks...