Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thank You, Anonymous Commenter!

I needed a good laugh and it was delivered to me by an anonymous commenter to an old post about Fibromyalgia Awareness Day.

Anonymous said...


MedicMatthew said...

1.) You call me an asshole for my opinion yet you don't have the decency to let us know who you are.

2.) You call me an asshole when you got to my blog via a Google search for "how to fake fibromyalgia"

Oh sweet, sweet irony, how I love thee.

(Click to embiggen)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

That About Sums It Up

I haven't written anything in a while and yeah, I know I suck. In lieu of actual original content I'm going to redirect you to two sources. The first is Ambulance Driver who said it better than I could and the second is Mr. Fixit who said it better than AD said he could.

Go, read. I am not a hero, I'm just some schlub doing my job and no I'm not just being modest, I'm telling you how it is.