Monday, March 30, 2009

Why I Came Home

I came across this video in Facebook the other day, posted by a coworker and I got to thinking about the first time I saw it. This is the video put together by another coworker for EMS Week last year. She let me preview it while I was home on vacation because I wouldn't be here during EMS Week. It was when I saw this video that I decided to move back to Maine. I know I'm obliterating any sense of anonymity by posting this video because you now know where I work, but then again, anyone in the EMS community can figure out The Borg that AD works for if they put their mind to it. This is the service where I cut my teeth both as a brand new EMT-Basic and again later as a paramedic. I know some of the photos aren't too great, but these are my people. This is my family.

1 comment:

Epijunky said...

It's always nice to have a tribe of your own :)

I'm glad you found yours!