(Excerpted from page "Black 1" of the Maine EMS Protocol Book)
Thank you for your offer of assistance.
Please be advised that these Emergency Medical Technicians are operating under the authority of the State of Maine and under protocols approved by the State of Maine. These EMS providers are also operating under the authority of a Medical Control physician and standing medical orders.
If you are currently providing patient care, you will be relinquishing care to these EMS personnel and their Medical Control physician.
No individual should intervene in the care of this patient unless the individual is:
1. Requested by the attending EMT, and
2. Authorized by the Medical Control physician, and
3. Is capable of assisting, or delivering more extensive emergency medical care at the scene.
If you are the patient’s own physician, PA, or nurse practitioner, the EMTs will work with you to the extent that their protocols and scope of practice allow.
If you are not the patient’s own physician, PA, or nurse practitioner, you must be a Maine licensed physician who will assume patient management and accept responsibility. These EMT’s will assist you to the extent that their protocols and scope of practice allow. They will not assist you in specific deviations from their protocols without Medical Control approval.
This requires that you accompany the patient to the hospital, and that their Medical Control physician is contacted and concurs.
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